Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fruits of the Labor

Harvest 2012

In spring 2012, we created a new crop in a narrow strip of soil alongside the basketball court on the property of my neighborhood public garden, Bradner Gardens. With some attention to soil improvements and consistent watering, we ended up with visual enjoyment of tall green stalks with leaves and eventually mini sunflower-yellow flowers at the tips, and an abundance of sweet tubers to eat. These chokes grow well in the Northwest and offer up some tasty options for harvesters.  They are delicious additions to soups, roasted vegetable medleys, stir-frys, salads, pasta and pilaf dishes, root vegetable gratins and Latkes. Besides all this, there are significant health benefits involved. This tuber has a respectable history as a food source for the Pilgrims and crop that helped feed Europe during the potato famine. Native to North America, Champlain took them to France in 1605 and reportedly they were preferred by the French to the potato.

Wiki link providing more history

Community gardeners packaging for the food bank and volunteers

Mini sun-choke-flowers at the tippy top reaching skyward. 

fall color just before harvest

1 comment:

  1. In 2012 we donated many pounds of this crop to a local food bank, divvying out the remaining tubers for community participants.
